



Scrutiny of the Japanese New Militarist’s Conspiracy Toward Taiwan

Li Enhan


   Fifty-nine years have passed since the Japanese surrender after the Second Sino-Japanese War and 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic relationships between China and Japan. However, regarding the question of war responsibilities, even though the Japanese government has acknowledged that it will “contemplate these matters seriously〔深刻反省〕”, the majority of the people in both government and private sectors still arrogantly declare “contemplate them but with no shame〔自反而不?〕.”  Moreover, periodically high government officials make ambiguous statements; they either deny or semi-deny certain irrefutable crimes and atrocities committed by the Japanese army in China during the war.  Additionally, every Japanese Prime Minister since 1982 has paid annual visits to the Yasakuni Shrine, a symbol of Japanese aggression, reinforcing the Chinese people’s resolve to never forget the past history of Japanese aggression against them.  During former Chinese President Jiang Zemin’s official visit to Japan in November 1998, then Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi〔小?惠三〕refused to declare “serious contemplation and apology” as he did to Korea, nor was he willing to announce the “Three No” position on the question of Taiwan as was done by the US President.  These actions leave three major issues between China and Japan suspended and unresolved:  the historical problem, the Taiwan problem, and the sovereignty of Tiaoyu Tai Islands〔??台〕.  These facts and behaviors clearly indicate that the reality of “cool political but warm economical〔政冷??〕” policy is just a fa?ade.
   Even though the Japanese Government announced that it “will not support Taiwan independence,” it was in fact utilizing such ultra-rightists as Nakashima〔中??雄〕, Ishihara〔石原慎太郎〕and the like, taking advantage of a possible military conflict across the Taiwan Strait to achieve its strategy of suppressing and crushing the peaceful emergence of China, or even daydreaming of returning Taiwan to Japanese control. 
   The current coordinated work by Japanese public and private sectors is the same as prior to the first Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.  Then the Japanese government was using the ultra-right secret societies formed by ronins〔浪人〕; and now it is using “The Japan Association for Taiwan Studies〔日本台???〕”, “USA-Japan-Taiwan Research Institute〔美日台研??〕,” etc, formed by modern-day ronins.
   It is well known that the “Two-Nation〔???〕” statement unabashedly made by President Lee Tenghui on July 9, 1999 is related to the “The Guidelines for Japan-USA Defense Cooperation〔日美防?合作指?〕” signed by Japan and the United States in July, 1997.  Based on these guidelines, three related new laws were drafted and passed by the Diet on April 27, 1999.  It took only two months before Lee Tenghui made the “Two-Nation” statement, obviously schemed by the new Japanese militarists, (note that Nakashima visited Taiwan in May of 1999, and Ishihara in December of the same year).  Their goal is to incite a flare-up in the Taiwan Strait, and drag the United States into the conflict as Japan’s pawn, allowing Japan to pull a “chestnut out of the fire.”
   Even though “The Japan Association for Taiwan Studies” claims that its objective is for academic studies, this organization has played an important role in inflaming and fabricating the “Taiwan Independence” movement around 1999.  This particular subject will also be covered in this paper. 


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